It was a week after the funeral. She had buried her hard working accountant husband, who had painstakingly worked from morn till sundown, risen from clerk to bank manager, sent two children to college and jobs abroad with the income, and given her a comfortable life style.

This morning as I looked out of my window, I saw a scooterist skidding. No pleasant sight as the bike rattled like a helpless animal and the rider fell heavily to the ground. Luckily, he was wearing a helmet, but the box he was carrying in the rear flew in the air, and burst open as it hit the ground.

Horrorstricken, I wondered, had it been a pillion rider, what could have happened?

 “You can’t park inside the compound!”

Priya stopped backing her car into the vacant space, next to her building and looked at the angry old man who was standing behind, blocking her way, “Who are you?” she asked.

 “I am the secretary of this society and you are not a flat owner; you cannot park inside the compound!”

Trust us for coining words that haves no parallel. “Give me a missed call!” I told my American friend as I left him at his hotel.

 “A what?”

 “A missed call!” I explained.

Ah! The awesome, exalting sound of a pipe organ as it fills a hall! What a magnificent, glorious  sound! And what a majestic looking instrument; its flute-like pipes rising high into the roof and seemingly disappearing into the heavens!

Years ago as a youngster I joined a choir. The conductor, not too sure that puny skinny me could produce bass sound, asked me whether I was willing to press the pump to see that enough air filled the pipe organ so the organist could produce the sound. I readily agreed as all I wanted was to be somewhere near the singing. Maybe it was the same enthusiasm and zeal in working the pump that ultimately got me a place in the choir and not my voice! It was also my proximity to such lovely sounds produced by the instrument that has made me love the instrument, and thus this tale about another pipe organ: