I have a friend - let's call him Ajay - who a few months back promised himself he'd finish one book a week. Before long he realized he was too busy for this. He works 50 hours a week, is lovingly married, and has two adorable dogs to walk every evening...

So he brought down his goal to one book every two weeks!

 “Congratulations ma’am!”

 “Thank you! Are you congratulating me for soon becoming the first tribal president?”

 “No ma’am!”

 “The second woman president?”

 “If you think you're too small to make a difference, you've obviously never been in bed with a mosquito.”

Quite often I see people who don’t want to be noticed. It’s not that they are not noticed, it’s just that they feel that by blending into the background, nobody will be aware of their existence.

She stood, a small figure in front of the school notice board. With anxious eyes she searched for her number. It wasn't there.

The girls around her jostled and pushed. There were screams of delight and shrieks of ecstasy. She turned away from the sounds, tears streaming down her face. Far away she heard the same laughter turning to jeers. Suddenly she felt imaginary eyes on her back and voices saying.

"She's dumb you know, she failed."

How much money did it take for so many MLAs to cross the floor, betray their leader, betray their voters, forget their ideology and run to the other end of the country?     

I wonder what people do with so much money? I mean you get a crore that’s a lot of money, ten crores that’s really plenty, but fifty crores, a hundred crores?

Just before the Roman empire started cracking and falling apart, the Romans got so used to a sensuous life style that because they loved the taste of good food, they had a room in which they went and vomited their food, so they could continue gorging on the other delicacies they could now afford.