This could happen soon when cricket’s T 20 World Cup begins!

 “Get me the Pakistan prime minister, I want to speak to him!” shouts Biden.

 “I can’t get him Mr President!” says his Secretary of State.

The puzzled chairman entered the precincts of his company, and stared at the peons, clerks, stenographers and other employees, huddled together outside his MD’s office. He wasn’t too startled as he heard the sniggering, smirking, sneering at something going on inside.

He pushed his employees aside and roughly entered the room. “What are you doing?” he asked his managing director, who with wet cloth in hand, was making an effort to wipe the floor, rinsing the rag in a bucket.

- Shahnaz Husain

Summer is upon us in all its glory.  There’s nothing quite like glowy, dewy, radiant summer skin.  Most of us,  while taking care of our complexion during the warmer months can feel like a full-time job.

As the scorching summer rolls around,your skin’s sebaceous glands start producing excess sebum (natural oil). The oil secreted gets stuck on the surface of the skin, leading to a whole lot of skincare issues like  pimples, acne, rashes,   stickiness, grease and blocked pores.

Many politicians in our country love talking about their humble beginnings, and since most of our country are poor, they manage to get votes doing so. I love people who have come up by their bootstraps, but often wonder whether they really come up?

Have they raised themselves up in manner and culture or just financially?

 “Want a smoke?” asked my friend Mohan as we sat in the college cafeteria, many years ago.

 “No,” I said, but watched fascinated as Mohan pulled out a pack of twenty from his shirt pocket, lit a cigarette with a flourish, and holding it expertly between his fingers brought it to his mouth and inhaled deeply. There was a deep philosophical look on his face as he body registered with delight the warm effect of the tobacco smoke filling his lungs He looked at me, a look of absolute contentment, as he slowly exhaled rings and circles from his mouth, nose and ears. I watched fascinated at this spectacle of manhood. Several girls were glancing in his direction, and Mohan though totally immersed in his own dream world of smoke pleasure, seemed to enjoy the appreciative looks.