Many years ago, I sat in an apartment in New York listening to an interesting argument between an elderly man and a doctor, who had been a childhood friend of mine. They were talking about religion and the topic veered around the existence of God. Both gave seemingly convincing arguments on what they believed in. The elderly man did not believe in God, the doctor did.

There’s only one person who looks good in the Modi jacket, and that’s the Prime Minister himself! Today, every tailor, throughout the country is rolling out thousands of yards of cloth stitching these new sleeveless fashion statements for men of all shapes and sizes, who look strikingly ridiculous as they strut around in sometimes garish looking pinks and purples, yellows and greens and look like some leftovers of some film shoot of Robin Hood and his Jacketed Men!

’Twas while walking in heaven a few years from today, I chanced to see two Israelites, trudging a little slowly, like they’d been forty years in the wilderness, so I asked the angel playing her harp at the side of the heavenly road if them two were Jews, who’d crossed the Red Sea with Moses. She nodded sweetly and I hurried along the heavenly road to catch up with the two and asked breathlessly, “You two crossed the Red Sea with Moses?”

This morning I laughed as I read a comic strip where two ugly sea creatures at the bottom of the sea, awful squiggly, wriggly tentacles spread all over sea bed, bodies ugly, revolting, beady eyes peering from a mass of quivering flesh, look at each other, point to the seabed and snigger as they see another creature crawling by; "Yuk! It's a worm!"

 “Come on China, come on Pakistan, we’re going to discuss Afghanistan!”

 “Why should we come?” snigger the two countries as they slither away from the National Security Advisor’s meet. The others comprising India, Russia and Russia’s little breakaway states went ahead and had their meet, finally telling the Afghani’s in a soft friendly voice that, ‘they must not be used for terror acts!’

It was like telling a terrorist not to be a terrorist!