A patient told his dentist, “I can feel a huge cavity with my tongue,” The dentist examined the man’s teeth and said, “It’ll only be a small filling.”

 “But why does it feel so large?” asked the puzzled patient.

 “Just the natural tendency of the tongue to exaggerate!” replied the dentist with a twinkle in his eye.

I do believe, all our driving skills are seen not in how fast we drive, not with our ease of overtaking, our dexterity of working our way through traffic jams, but with how you and I park our cars!

My wife and daughters grumble, that there’s no need for me to look from my window as they bring their cars in to park or take them out. “Plan your parking!” I tell them, and slowly but surely, I’ve seen a change.

A man who had just lost his job went over to a shop and with the last of his money decided to buy a beautiful teacup for his wife. On the display shelf, he saw the perfect cup and told the sales person to take it down. Suddenly the cup spoke: “I have not always been a tea-cup,” it said, “there was a time when I was just a lump of red clay. My master took me and rolled me pounded and patted me over and over and I yelled out, “don’t do that. I don’t like it! Let me alone,” but he only smiled, and gently said; ‘Not yet!”

While taking a class on public speaking in the academy I run, I told my class how important public speaking was in life. Many of us I told my students would not get opportunities to speak on podiums or stages, but there were other times it would come in useful as it came in for me.

I felt the class leaning forward, as they did whenever they knew Bob had a tale to tell and a tale I did tell, remembering every moment of that near horrific, eventful train journey.

Around the beginning of the last century, polio was rampant, irreversibly paralyzing thousands of children. Immunization programs were introduced and Rotary took this as their major project. In 1988 350,000 children were afflicted with polio throughout the world, by 2013, the number had dropped to just 416 cases and India was no longer on the list of polio-endemic countries.