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Apropos news item in The Andaman Chronicle dated 16 Nov, 2015 wherein we have been given to understand that six speed breakers is proposed to be laid at different places in the city.

While agreeing to the contention that Speed Breakers play an important role in regulating vehicular speed, I intend to draw attention of concerned authorities towards the guideline issued by Indian Road Congress (IRC: 99-1988) specifying the general conditions, scope and detailed specifications for design, plan of placement, sign postings, markings, maintenance and other issues relating to use of speed breakers for Indian road conditions.

It will not be out of place to mention that article 5.1 of the IRC guideline reads: Speed breakers are formed basically by providing a rounded (17m radius) hump of 3.7m width and height of 0.10 m (10cm/4 inch) at the centre for general traffic. The document specifically mentions Speed Breakers should be so designed that it should not cause damage to the vehicle nor cause excessive discomfort to the driver and passengers while crossing a hump at the preferred speed. Neither should a hump give rise to excessive noise or cause harmful vibrations to the adjoining buildings or affect other residents of the area.

Therefore, through the columns of your esteemed daily, I request authorities concerned to ensure that the proposed speed breakers conform to the prescribed design specifications. I also request that other safety features such as Retro-reflective warning sign (40m ahead of speed breaker), marking with (yellow and white) paints, which serve as a visual warning and proper illumination of streets are also taken up.

Debkumar Bhadra

Shore Point, Bambooflat, S Andaman