Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

Around the world Muslims mark the Festival of Sacrifice on the 10th day of the holy month of Dhu-al-Hijjah. It honours Abraham’s willingness to slay his son Ishmael at Allah’s bidding. The killing did not happen. Apparently the angel Gabriel appeared and declared that God was so moved by Abraham’s devotion that now he could kill a goat instead.

Such a frightening story. First, it has been lifted wholesale from the Christians. The story is known as the Akedah in Judaism and originates in the Tora, the first book of Moses (Genisis, Ch. 22) and Ishmael is originally Isaac.

Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

The day that the COVID testing team (I have no idea where they came from. There are so many astronaut like creatures floating about from so many different departments, governments, hospitals, testing centres, that I stopped wondering a long time ago and now just meekly submit to sticks being poked into my nose and throat, and blood taken) declared I had the virus, my thoughts went immediately to death. So many people I know have died. Two died when I was on the phone trying to get oxygen for them. Another was admitted by me into hospital after begging the owner. Every morning a person I know turns into a memory.

Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

Islam is not a primitive culture and spirituality. It is the culture of Islam that has led to many of the advancements in human knowledge, that are now synonymous with civilization itself. In India it is the Muslims that have kept the arts and crafts alive, and the language, Urdu, is the most gentle, mellifluous, cultured means of communication.

But at the end of the day it is Eid, and the barbarism of that day, that mould popular opinion that Islam is a culture/religion of violence, a people who define themselves by the eating of other beings, impossible to communicate with, illiterate and permanently angry.