Port Blair, June 12: In order to prevent the outbreak of COVID-19 in Port Blair City, PBMC has been taking the following initiatives with an active participation of Elected Representatives:-
Water Treatment Plant Inspection: Shri N.K.Udhaya Kumar, Chairperson, Shri Suneel Anchipaka, Secretary, PBMC , Chairperson and Members of Water Sub Committee and officials of PBMC inspected Bird Line Water Treatment Plant wherein APWD Junior Engineer explained to PBMC Councillors about the treatment & Storage capacity. At present, APWD is supplying water once in 5 days in the Bird Line area. However, APWD Officials informed that another 10.00 Lakh lit capacity sedimentation tank will be ready within 02 months time and it will increase the supply and distribution frequency as well.
Subsequently, PBMC Councillors also visited Lall Mitti & Dollygunj water source, wherein it was found that water turbidity level is more at Lal mitti source and due to that treatment is taking a lot of time.
Installation of Water Meters:
As per Water Bye Laws, PBMC started installation of Domestic / Commercial Water Meters across 24 wards. So far 2303 water meters and 1470 float valves installed. Rest will be covered within the end of this year.
Disinfection Works:
In view of new positive cases, PBMC has intensified disinfecting the Public Places. As a part of disinfection process Ratnam Market, Mohanpura Vegetable Market, Gandhi Market and STS Bus Stand was sanitized.
Enforcement of Social Distance Norms:
In view of instructions issued by the A&N Administration directing PBMC to levy penalties upon the violators (viz Non wearing of Face Mask, violation of social distancing norms by individual (S) in public places, Work Places and Transport etc, Violation of Social Distancing norms by shop owners in their establishments), PBMC has constituted Special Task Force teams across all the wards and levied penalty of Rs. 4,17,550/- from 1105 violators.