Port Blair, July 1: The Bharatiya Janta Party led by Shri. Ajoy Bairagi, State President, BJP Andaman & Nicobar Islands organized a medical camp on 27-06-2020 to provide personal protection kits and also to make the public aware of precautionary measures of COVID-19. The camp was arranged by Mrs. Anita Puria, State Incharge, Traders Cell, BJP, A & N Islands.
Soaps, Sanitizers & Face Masks were distributed at Chouldhari Village, Port Mort Village & Namunaghar village. Covid -19 precautionary measures were informed by Dr. Girishma Lal, Dr. Sheetal, Smti. Latha Lal-Media Cell, BJMM. Pradhan of Chouldhari, Shri. Mohan Halder was also present in the camp & helped whole heartedly in arrangements required for the camp.