Port Blair, Sept. 4: The Non Gazetted Govt. Officers' Association, A&N Islands denounce the renewed move of the Government of India to unilaterally and on absolutely arbitrary grounds, impose conditions for forced premature retirement on the Government employees vide Office memorandum No.25013/03/2019-Estt.A-IV dated 28th August 2020 issued by Ministry of Personnel, Public grievances and pensions ,Department of Personnel and Training.
The General Secretary of the Association Shri T S Sreekumar said the OM arms the Government with powers to give marching orders to a Govt. employee after completing 30 years of service or reaching 50/55 years of age or older., i.e., five to ten years before the scheduled date of retirement, on vogue grounds such as, “ineffectiveness”, “doubtful integrity”, etc. A designated authority stipulated by the said OM is assigned with power to pick and choose the targeted employee for such forced premature retirement on those vague and arbitrary grounds. Further the victim-employee will not have the right to be heard prior to his forced retirement.
Non Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association register its strong protest on the authoritarian and arbitrary move of the Govt. and demanded withdrawal of the said OM forthwith. The Association views the move of the Government as another strong initiative in the direction of downsizing and privatisation of the Govt. sector in the name of efficiency.
Meanwhile the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and workers, New Delhi has decided to strongly oppose the move of Government of India to impose draconian provisions of Fundamental Rules 56 (j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules,1972 for the forced premature retirement of employees. The Confederation ,in a press statement ,said the decision of the Govt. shows its autocratic attitude towards basic rights of employees and violation of labour laws.
All major trade unions including CITU and INTUC called upon Govt. employees and their organizations to unitedly and resolutely oppose the decision as the Government is likely to use these powers to weed out any employee even remotely suspected of standing up for his or her rights. Central trade unions extended wholehearted support also to the struggles of Govt. employees and workers against their forced premature retirement.