Rangat, Sept. 10: The AYUSH Units of CHC Rangat conducted an AYUSH Health Camp at Urmilapur Panchayat Bhavan today in which Shri.Biswajit Mondal Pradhan, Gram Panchayat was the chief guest.
During the Camp, Dr. B. Bindu Kumar, Medical Officer (Homoeo) and Dr. Suryakant Singh Medical Officer (Ayurveda) examined the patients and distributed Immune Booster Medicine of Homoeo and Ayurveda systems to about 35 households covering all their family members. Medicines were also prescribed for other common ailments.
Miss. Vinu, Yoga Instructor took Yoga and Meditation session for about 19 participants.
At the outset the Pradhan welcomed the gathering. Dr.Bindu Kumar took an awareness session on General Precaution to be taken during this COVID-19 Pandemic in simple mnemonics ((Like S.M.S. & E.D.S; S.M.S. stands for protecting from infection through Social-Distance, Mask & Soap/Sanitiser and EDS to strengthen immune system through Exercise (daily), Diet (Balanced Natural Diet), Stress-free-Life (through Prayers/ Meditation practice.)), which are the only way to protect and strengthen our immune system.
Dr. Suryakant Singh express his gratitude for making the camp a success and thanked the Pradhan, CHO, ANM, ASHA and Anganwadi workers for motivating villagers for participation, arrangements and following social distancing norms.