Port Blair, Sept. 17: The recent weather forecast indicates low pressure area over Northeast Bay of Bengal and adjoining areas in Andaman Sea. It is likely to intensify further during subsequent 48 hours and is likely to become well marked deep depression moving Northwards along and off Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Under its influence, heavy rain, squally winds and very rough sea conditions are likely to remain over Andaman sea upto 22 Sep 20.
The Indian Coast Guard has shared the weather information with civil administration including fisheries authorities. The Coast Guard Stations at various locations in A & N Region, in coordination with local fisheries authorities, are sensitizing the fishing community on persisting rough seas/inclement weather at sea and urging the fishermen to refrain from moving out to sea till 22 Sep 20. The Coast Guard vessels on deployment are sensitizing fishermen at sea and guiding them to return harbour. All Coast Guard establishments and ships in A & N Region have been alerted and directed to maintain highest state of preparedness to meet any contingency.