Port Blair, Sept. 22: Indian Red Cross Society, A & N Branch distributed 600 washable cotton cloth masks to corona warriors including Anganwadi workers and helpers and ASHA workers attached to the four PHCs of South Andaman area and District Hospital Garacharma through their respective MO In-Charges of District Hospital, Garacharma, PHC-Manglutan, PHC-Chouldari, PHC-Tushnabad and PHC-Ferrargunj on 18th September 2020.
The masks were distributed by Dr.R.Thulasi Dasan, Hon. General Secretary and other supporting staff of IRCS, A&N Branch, Port Blair. It is recommended to wash cloth masks after every use. When removing, be careful not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth. Wash hands immediately after removing the mask. In addition proper hygiene practices and physical distancing are still the best methods of keeping yourself safe.