Port Blair, Sept. 25: On the occasion of World Pharmaceutical Day which is celebrated every year on 25th of September, the Member of Parliament Shri Kuldeep Rai Sharma has congratulated and extended his sincere gratitude to all Pharmacists of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands for their vital day to day to contributions in making the healthcare delivery system in these far flung and remote Islands work efficiently and effectively.
He said that the underlying objective of celebrating 'World Pharmacists Day', is to encourage activities that promote and advocate for the role of the pharmacist in improving healthcare in every corner of the world. In our society the Pharmacists are one of the most easily approachable and trusted healthcare professional who by using their experience, knowledge, and expertise give access to medicines, advise people on how to properly take them so that they get best out the medicines being consumed.
While recognising the endeavour of the "International Pharmaceutical Federation " Shri. Sharma appreciated that every year the organization announces a different theme so that associations and individuals in the pharmaceutical industry can put together national campaigns or local projects to showcase the good work they do in helping to improve the health of people around the world. He said in the present COVID-19 pandemic ridden scenario prevailing throughout the world, this year’s theme of “Transforming global health“ is a very well thought theme as it embodies and personifies the present day need.
The Member of Parliament has expressed gratitude and appreciated the key role performed by the Pharmacists of the Islands during the COVID-19 pandemic for acting directly with the community, continuing to care for patients with chronic diseases, working in hospital pharmacies and providing pharmaceutical care to COVID-19 patients. He wished one and all in the pharmaceutical fraternity in these Islands all success in their future endeavours.