Port Blair, Oct. 16: The DIGP A&N Police, Shri Vijay Singh, IPS on his visit to Campbell Bay planned to organize a Health cum Awareness program for educating the police officials regarding the COVID, endemic diseases of A & N Islands and other lifestyle health issues.
Assistant Commissioner, Dr Mukesh Kumar, DANICS who is also a qualified doctor along with medical staff was called to give a small lecture on the topic. He explained in detail about the Andaman and Nicobar endemic diseases like Leptospirosis, Filariasis etc. He also told the gathering about the health issues which generally occur after the post Monsoon season.
In the COVID times, he focused on the need to stay hydrated in order to boost one’s immunity. Sufficient intake of water improves overall immunity of the body. Other factors like regular exercise, Yoga and timely health check-up are essential to prevent lifestyle diseases.
Shri Vijay Singh, IPS gave importance to stress management and regular exercise for the police staff. He specially focused on the weight control and work-life balance. Stress relievers like aerobics, Yoga and development of a hobby can help in this regard. Further, sound sleep and exercise help to improve blood circulation thereby minimizing the release of stress causing cortizol hormone. He also stressed the importance of both fit body and mind for the police staff so that police staff can perform their duties with conviction in these testing times.
Various other health related queries of police personnel were addressed by Sh. Vijay Singh, IPS and Dr. Mukesh Kumar, DANICS. The awareness program ended on a very positive note as all the police personnel ,ERSS staff resolved to inculcate healthy habits in their lifestyle.