Port Blair, Oct. 16: The state team of BJP, A&N Islands who are touring New Delhi yesterday met the Union Minister of Shipping, Mansukh Laxmanbhai Mandaviya at his office in Transport Bhavan, New Delhi.
The team discussed various issues related to shipping and shipping services with the Minister. The team under the leadership of Shri. Ajoy Bairagi informed the Minister of the various issues that the general public are facing because of the shipping services. The discussion centered around the inter-Island shipping services, the problems of the seamen, problems of tourist boats and tourist boat operators, problems arising because of lack of ships in the Islands as well as the poor quality and ageing ships in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands fleet.
The Minister gave a patient hearing and assured to take up the issues brought before him by the visiting team. The Minister informed that he is due to visit Campbell Bay, Great Nicobar later this year. During his visit, he will address all the issues that the State BJP Unit has highlighted before him. The Minister also assured that he would conduct a virtual meeting with the Andaman & Nicobar Administration soon.