PBMC Appeals to Citizens to Keep Separate Bins for Segregated Waste
Port Blair, April 13: The Port Blair Municipal Council (PBMC) has already implemented door to door collection of segregated waste to achieve 100% processing of waste by means of waste transportation & proper disposal mechanism.
All concerned household Govt. & Pvt./Institutions and other establishments including banks, shops and schools are requested to kindly keep at least 02 bins for segregated dry & wet waste & 01 bag for hazardous waste in their premises/establishments to support our municipal workers for further segregation in an effective manner.
The user charge against collection of waste by PBMC as per the provisions of PBMC Solid Waste Handling & Management (SWHM) Bye-Laws, 2017 will be collected from each and every household & all other establishments as per schedule-I of bye-laws.
In order to maintain the city clean & Swachh, all the Officials not below the rank of Sanitary Inspectors have been authorized to take action by penalizing on the spot under the said bye-laws FOR HOUSEHOLD WASTE THAT IS NOT SEGREGATED
Any violation of Bye-Laws/directions of PBMC, will be viewed seriously and necessary action will be initiated against the violators under PBMC SWHM Bye-Laws, 2017.
Citizens are requested to call the control room, Phone No:03192-231179 for their grievances (if any).
Lets be a proud citizens to make our Port Blair City Clean & Green.