Medicines and Oxymeters Distributed at Doorsteps of ILI and Positive Cases
Port Blair, April 25: To tackle the recent surge in the COVID positive cases in South Andaman and to prevent the further spread of the virus, the District Administration has taken various proactive steps. In this connection, distribution of medicines and providing of oximeters to the door steps of all the ILI cases, positive cases and contacts of positive cases is being done.
The District Administration is carrying intensive field surveillance on daily basis and around 53009 households covering a population of 190000 have been surveyed and around 15000 co-morbid persons also being monitored through District Control Room specially set up for this purpose. Around 1565 medicine kits and 40 oximeters have been issued to eligible cases for better tracking of health parameters of the concerned. The Administration is committed to providing better health care facilities and is working round the clock to ensure that the spread of this virus is restricted by taking appropriate and preventive measures.
Further, Shri Suneel Anchipaka, Deputy Commissioner (SA) has requested general public to make sure that their near and dear ones above the age group of 45 get vaccinated and also urged them to follow COVID appropriate behaviour and help the Administration in its fight against the virus. He also urged general public to kindly come forward and report symptoms at the earliest for better treatment.
He further reiterated that the five-fold strategy of Testing, Tracing, Treatment, COVID appropriate behaviour and vaccination will be meticulously implemented in South Andaman.