Port Blair, June 4: The Department of Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs has been actively monitoring the price and availability of all essential commodities including groceries and agro-horticultural products in the markets of this UT.  On 03rd June, 2021 it is reported from various corners that there is a sudden hike in price of vegetables which was found to be created artificially to exploit the consumers.

Taking a serious note of this issue in the interest of the consumers, the Enforcement team of this Directorate conducted a surprise inspection and intervened to control the retail selling price of vegetables which is accordingly capped as under:


The Department in close coordination with Directorate of Shipping Services has also facilitated transportation of locally grown vegetables from outer islands to ensure adequate availability of cargo space in shipping vessels which will further improve the supply chain to meet demand forces.

All the wholesalers and retailers are made to display the rates of vegetables in their business premises in a conspicuous manner for the information of the general public and shall not sell beyond the rates displayed on the display board. If any wholesaler/retailer/vendor is found indulged in any kind of malpractice, stringent legal action as deemed fit will be initiated against them as per the various provisions under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 as well as the Legal Metrology Act, 2009; which may result in imprisonment of up to 7 years or fine or both. Offenders shall also be detained under the Prevention of Black Marketing and Maintenance of Supplies of Essential Commodities Act, 1980. The main objective of this Department is to that the interest of the consumers are not jeopardised.

All wholesalers/retailers/vendors & consumers are directed to maintain strict COVID appropriate behaviours like adequate social distancing (“Do Gaj Doori”), washing/sanitizing their hands regularly, wearing face mask, ensuring proper hygiene etc.

All the Consumers are hereby advised that any malpractice by any person/shop/establishment may be brought to the notice of this Department over Toll Free No. 1800-345-3197 or Telephone No. 03192-230337.