Port Blair, July 1: Every year, July 1 is observed as National Doctors’ Day in the memory of Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy, who had his birth and death anniversary on the same day. The day, commemorated by Indian Medical Association (IMA), is dedicated to all the doctors and healthcare workers who have been serving people by risking their lives. Dr Roy, former Chief Minister of Bengal, was known for his selfless service.

On this occasion, NGO ‘WITH YOU’ led by its President Miss V. K. Mariyam Bibi along with its members facilitated the doctors of G.B. Pant Hospital with flowers to honour each of them who have been fostering their patients with ultimate care and passion to save lives with their priceless efforts amid the pandemic. Their role as frontline workers has been appreciated even more. Sweets were also distributed among them to cherish their spirit and dedication which immensely impacted the situation positively.