Port Blair, Jan. 25: As of every year on 26th January, the Nation celebrates Republic Day with grandeur, gaiety, fervour and enthusiasm. This year too, the Republic Day will be celebrated in a manner befitting the occasion, however with some extra precaution and measures in view of the prevailing COVID-19 situation.

In the A&N Islands, as per the tradition, the National Flag would be unfurled at all Govt. offices/institutions including schools, dispensaries, post offices etc.

The Hon’ble Lt. Governor, A&N Island will grace the function at Netaji Stadium, Port Blair and will unfurl the National Flag at 8:35 am after laying wreath at the ‘Martyr’s Column’ at the National Memorial - Cellular Jail. The parade and guard of honour will comprise of the armed contingents of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, A&N Police and also contingents from Fire Brigade and NCC along with their bands. In view of the COVID-19 situation no public or school children will take part in the ceremony.