Port Blair, Feb 15: Under the flagship programme of Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) Phase-II launched by the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Govt. of India, the Andaman & Nicobar Islands has achieved the unique feat of becoming the first ODF Plus Model Union Terriotory in the entire country. This achievement is attributed to the concerted measures taken by the UT Adminstration in the achievement of universal sanitation coveragefollowing the saturation of Individual Household Latrines (IHHLs), saturation in construction of Community Sanitary Complexes (CSCs) and taking effective measures for Solid and Liquid Waste Management.
Under the Phase-I of the Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen), 14775 numbers of beneficiaries were identified as part of the Baseline Survey-2012 and were assisted with incentive amount of Rs.12,000/- for construction of Individual Household Latrines. With the GoI’s vision of ’No One Left Behind’ for sanitation access, the UT has additionaly provided Indivdual Household Latrines (IHHLs) to 3828 individuals which are completed in full shape. Further, 296 Community Sanitary Complexes under SBM(G) Phase-I and 39 CSCs sanctioned under SBM(G) Phase-II are also completed.
For effective Solid Waste Management, the Department has set-up24 Solid Waste Management (SWM) clusters mapped to 70 Gram Panchayats in the Islands, The SWM cluster site have provision for treatment of organic waste by means of Composting. The SWM Clusters have also been equipped with Bailing and Shredding machine for processing of non-biodegradable Solid Waste. The recylable plastic, paper/cardboard, Tetrapacks and Multi Layer Plastics (MLPs) are bailed and sent for recyling. The non-recylable plastic waste are shredded and used in rural road construction. As per the notification issued by the A&N Administration, 8-10 % of shredded plastic usage is mandatory in road construction in the UT. The Department in March, 2021 has also identified one recyler for collection, management, processing and transportation of waste from SWM Clusters to mainland. The waste are now being taken from these clusters for further processing/recyling on approved rates, thereby adding to the revenue of Gram Panchayats. An amount of Rs. 8,72,737/- (Rupees Eight Lakh Seventy Two Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Seven Only) has been earned by the Gram Panchayats by selling of dry waste to recycler. For Liquid Waste Management, the rural villages in the Islands have been equipped with proper drainage facilites.
The Department through IEC competitions – (Best CSC) have wall painted all Community Sanitary Complexes (CSCs) in rural areas with motivational and informational IEC messages. Converging with the World Bank Incentive Fund, the Department has also taken up installation of large size hoardings in all Gram Panchayats displaying IEC messages on effective Solid Waste Management and also aided the Gram Panchayats with infrastructures and tools for handling of Solid waste through Door to Door collection. Further, efforts have been made to clear all erstwhile legacy waste dumpsites and recovery of waste for further processing. To make Swachh Bharat a Jan Andolan, collaboration has been made with Civil Society Organizations, Youth Clubs etc. and regular beach clean-up programmes are conducted along coastal area. The Department has also prepared one Audio Visual documentary on the achievements made under the scheme.
The achievement of the ODF Plus status by the UT of Andaman and Nicobar Islands is one of its kind in the entire country. The Hon’ble Lt. Governor, A&N Islands has complimented the Department for achieving ODF Plus status for the UT and has conveyed his appreciation to all those involved in achieving the status.