Bharat will celebrate its 76th Independence Day on August 15. The day marks the country's freedom from the British Raj in 1947. The Government of India started a 75-week countdown in March 2021 towards the 75th anniversary of India's independence. The Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations will conclude on August 15, 2023.

Today we breathe the air of freedom because of the efforts of our great freedom fighters. Freedom is something you have to fight for. We have fought hard to earn it, so let’s celebrate our freedom. Never let go of it and always carry it in your heart. Let your spirits fly high with the Indian flag today.

Let there be freedom in your mind and body, faith in your wards and pride in your soul. Let us salute our nation. May the tricolour always fly high and higher and touch the sky. Independence does not come free; it demands a great cost. Today, let us honour all the great souls who had to pay for it. Rich in cultural history, united in diversity, a salute to my country India. May you enjoy this freedom of speech, freedom of thoughts and freedom of choice for the rest of your life. I am proud to be Indian and May the future bring more glory to our great nation. Wishing all a very happy Independence Day.


Ajoy Bairagi

State President

BJP, A&N Islands