Power supply will remain suspended at Bambooflat to Wimberlygunj, Mathura, Brindaban, Ferrargunj to Jirkatang, Stewartgunj, Kanyapuram, Wimberlygunj to Shoal Bay on Feb.5, 2025 from 0730 hrs. to 0930 hrs in connection with erection of H-Poles at Andha Beda (Bambooflat) to prevent high tension line sagging.

Additionally, power supply may also be affected on Feb.8, 2025 between 0700 hrs and 1500 hrs at Garacharama Sub Station, Japan Nallah, Austinabad, Prothrapur, Corbyn’s Cove, Brichgunj, Brookshabad & part of Chakkargaon areas for the replacement of damaged 11 KV ABC to overhead conductor.  The aforementioned time is tentative and if the work is completed before the scheduled time, the feeder/line will be recharged accordingly.

For further inquiries, consumers may visit the Electricity Department's website at https://vidyut.andaman.gov.in.  Consumers facing any issues related to the power supply may call the Toll-Free Number 1800-345-1111 to register their complaints.