Very often I meet people who tell me, “If I wasn’t sickly, I would have done well in life!”

Or it could be, “I wish I was beautiful then I would have succeeded in whatever I put my hands too!”

Or, “Do you know what it is to be short and not be tall like others?”

Roger Crawford was born with a condition called ectrodactylism. When he emerged from his mother's womb, the doctors saw that he had a thumb-like projection

extending out of his right forearm. He had no palms. His legs and arms were shortened. And his left leg possessed a shrunken foot with only three toes.

Roger's parents were told by various medical professionals that he would never be able to walk, probably would not be able to take care of himself, and would never lead a normal life.

After recovering from the shock, Roger's parents were determined to give him the best chance possible for living a normal life. They raised him to feel loved, to be strong, and to develop independence. "You're only as handicapped as you want to be," his father used to tell him. They encouraged him to do everything his heart desired. And they taught him to think positively.

Roger appreciated the encouragement and training he received from his parents, but I don't think he really understood the significance of it or his achievements until he went to college and interacted with someone who wanted to meet him. Crawford agreed to meet him at a nearby restaurant. When Roger stood up to shake hands with the man, he discovered that the other guy had hands that were almost identical to his. That got Crawford excited, because he thought he had found someone similar to him but older who could act as his mentor. But after talking with the stranger for a few minutes, he realized he was wrong.

Roger says: "Instead, what I found was someone with a bitter, pessimistic attitude who blamed all of life's disappointments and failures on his anatomy."

"We kept in touch for several years, until it dawned on me that even if some miracle were suddenly to give him a perfect body, his unhappiness and lack of success wouldn't change. He would still be at the same place in his life."

What about you? Is your attitude holding you back? Choose to change it...and experience the fullness life has to offer..!

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