All Standard Operating Procedure mentioned above is to be complied with by the Operators/Crew members/Association/Agents and Guests. However, additional measures/precautions to be taken on certain activity specific watersports such as Snorkeling which are as follows:-


Before entering the water:-

a) The Snorkeling Guide shall brief the guests on the importance of maintaining social distancing and operations of snorkelling.

The following practices are to be strictly adhered to while taking guests for boating trips. The following SOP stipulates practices at each stage/facet and for specific stakeholders. The boat shall operate 50% passenger capacity.

There will be a cap on the number of tourists/visitors in the National Memorial Cellular Jail which will accept tourists/visitors, as per the details given below:-

Entry tickets shall be issued by e-mode / online only through No physical tickets will be issued. Only digital payments will be permitted.

The tourist/visitors shall follow strict social distancing norms.

General Standard Operating Procedure for Watersports

The following general measures and the specific step as listed out herein are to be observed by all: Owner, Operator, Employees, Associations, Agents, Guides and Guests- at all times. General measures are:

All Watersports/boating activities in containment zones shall remain closed and no operation shall be allowed.

Only those museums which are in the non-containment zone will be opened for tourists/ visitors.

The Curator / In-charge / Staff of Museum shall ensure that hand sanitizer are made available at the entry point for visiting tourists/visitors.

Entry tickets may be issued, preferably by e-mode only.