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- Denis Giles
All Standard Operating Procedure mentioned above is to be complied with by the Operators/Crew members/Association/Agents and Guests. However, additional measures/precautions to be taken on certain activity specific watersports such as Snorkeling which are as follows:-
Before entering the water:-
a) The Snorkeling Guide shall brief the guests on the importance of maintaining social distancing and operations of snorkelling.
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- Denis Giles
The following practices are to be strictly adhered to while taking guests for boating trips. The following SOP stipulates practices at each stage/facet and for specific stakeholders. The boat shall operate 50% passenger capacity.
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- Denis Giles
There will be a cap on the number of tourists/visitors in the National Memorial Cellular Jail which will accept tourists/visitors, as per the details given below:-
Entry tickets shall be issued by e-mode / online only through www.andamantourism.gov.in/etourist. No physical tickets will be issued. Only digital payments will be permitted.
The tourist/visitors shall follow strict social distancing norms.
Read more: Standard Operating Procedure for National Memorial Cellular Jail
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- Denis Giles
General Standard Operating Procedure for Watersports
The following general measures and the specific step as listed out herein are to be observed by all: Owner, Operator, Employees, Associations, Agents, Guides and Guests- at all times. General measures are:
All Watersports/boating activities in containment zones shall remain closed and no operation shall be allowed.
Read more: Standard Operating Procedure for Water based/Watersports activities
- Details
- Denis Giles
Only those museums which are in the non-containment zone will be opened for tourists/ visitors.
The Curator / In-charge / Staff of Museum shall ensure that hand sanitizer are made available at the entry point for visiting tourists/visitors.
Entry tickets may be issued, preferably by e-mode only.
Read more: Standard Operating Procedure for Opening of Museums