Port Blair, Sept 3: In a significant breakthrough, the Cyber Crime Police Station has successfully arrested a cybercrime mastermind behind a sophisticated online scam. The accused had created a fake Facebook profile, illicitly using a local resident's personal information and photographs, causing harm to their reputation and identity.

A resident of Haddo, Port Blair, reported a distressing case of identity theft and online harassment to the Cyber Crime Police Station. An imposter had created a fake Facebook profile using her personal information and images, posting inappropriate content that severely impacted her family life and reputation within the community.

Port Blair, Sept. 3: As the rainy season sets in, the Port Blair Municipal Council (PBMC) has taken a thoughtful initiative to procure 1700 raincoats for its dedicated Safai Mitras.

Shri Aziz-ur-Rehman today distributed 76 raincoats to the Safai Mitras under Ward No. 06, aiming to make their job easier and more comfortable while they work tirelessly on our streets, even in rainy weather.

Port Blair, Sept. 3: The Directorate of Industries, A & N Administration has set up Industrial Estates in different Parts of A&N Islands for providing Industrial Land / Plot with basic amenities to the entrepreneurs / enterprises. As on date, the Directorate of Industries has set up six Industrial Estates at Dollygunj, Garacharama, Mithakhari, Hutbay, Little Andaman, Bakultala, Middle Andaman and Campbell Bay, Great Nicobar.

Kalighat, Sept 3: On 02/09/2024, a resident of Srinagar, under the jurisdiction of PS Kalighat, reported the theft of his ATM card, which resulted in unauthorized withdrawals totalling ₹3,17,000/- from his bank account. The incident came to light when the victim attempted to withdraw cash and discovered that his ATM card was missing. Realizing the magnitude of the unauthorized transactions, the victim immediately reported the matter to PS Kalighat.

Port Blair, Sept. 3: The inaugural programme of 7th Rashtriya Poshan Maah was organized on Aug.31, 2024. As part of the observance, a plantation drive under ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’ was organized at AWC School Line-1. Shri L Kumar, IAS, Secretary (SW), Dr. Nitin Shakya, Director (SW), Shri PC James, Nodal Officer, POSHAN 2.0, Smt. Zarina Bibi, CDPO, Urban Project, Mukhya Sevikas, and Anganwadi Workers were present on the occasion.