Port Blair, Feb 8: The Directorate of Public Institutions, Govt. of Kerala has selected a Malayalam book entitled “Andaman Nicobarile Naadodikkathakal” (Folk tales of Andaman Nicobar) to distribute among the schools through an educational programme for the benefit of the students. The book is penned by Shri. Vijayan. C. K. Madappally, a former employee of the Fisheries Department.

Port Blair, Feb 5: A Seminar-cum-Awareness Program on provisions related to GST Acts & Rules with primary focus on GST practitioners was organised by the UTGST Department of Andaman & Nicobar Administration jointly with Post Graduate Department of Commerce, JNRM, Port Blair in the Seminar Hall of JNRM in the presence of Mr. Rajeev Kumar, Assistant Commissioner, UTGST and Dr. N. Rajavel, HOD, PG Department of Commerce, JNRM.

Port Blair, Feb 5: On the occasion of Makam Youth Club Night Cricket Final Match at Stewart Gunj, Humane Touch organised an alcoholism awareness programme and blood group data collection drive last week.

Port Blair, Feb 5: The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Rural Livelihood Mission (ANIRLM) attached to the Directorate of RD, PRIs & ULBs, A&N Administration organized a month long capacity building programme with the support of National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR), Hyderabad for Community Resource Persons (CRPs) and SHG leaders. This capacity building programme focuses to build up and strengthen the federations of SHGs such as Village Organizations and Cluster/Block Level Federation in the Islands.

Port Blair, Feb 5: The officials of Food Safety Department conducted surprise inspection of food business premises located at Shaheed Dweep.  They inspected 26 restaurants, 20 mobile food vendors, 25 fruit & vegetable vendors, 08 sweet stalls, 10 grocery shops, 01 bake house and 01 milk chilling centre. Major and minor violations were noticed at 03 premises and accordingly, a case has been registered against FBOs and others were served with improvement notices with directions to rectify the defects within a fortnight.