DC South Andaman Appeals to Islanders to Come Forward and Report Symptoms for the Safety of All

Port Blair, May 2: A message broke on twitter today stating that staying at home was not a safer zone for Late. N. Zubaidha, W/o Ali Hajee, R/o Kanyapuram. It was alleged that Zubaidha was under hone quarantine with symptoms as no RTPCR test was done beside several request. She felt breathlessness and was rushed to PHC Wimberlygunj where she took her last breath.

Deepika is Said to have Secured Jobs in ANIIMS  and Education Dept. on the Basis of Forged and Fake Certificates

Port Blair, May 2: CCS Police Station arrested Deepika Kishan who had secured Government jobs in ANIIMS and Education Department on the basis of forged and fake certificates.

Deepika Kishan had applied for the post of Artist in ANIIMS in 2015 and submitted forged and fake certificates of the minimum education requirements prescribed for the job. She was selected for the job and served the department till 2018 when she resigned the job when she was asked to submit the originals of the minimum education qualifications.

Suggests Measures for Convenience of General Public

Port Blair, May 2: The Member of Parliament, A&N Islands, Shri Kuldeep Rai Sharma in a letter addressed to Chief Secretary appreciated the Andaman & Nicobar Administration for taking lots of precautionary measures in the form of restrictions and partial lockdown to protect the general public from coronavirus.

Anchipaka Grateful to Frontline Warriors for Enforcing Restrictions

Port Blair, May 2: The District Administration in continuation to the steps to contain the spread of COVID in the South Andaman District had issued an order for restrictions which has been enforced from 02.05.2021 following the GOI guidelines. The priority is to reduce unnecessary travel in order to reduce further spread.

Shri Suneel Anchipaka, Deputy Commissioner (SA) and other officers of the District Administration took a field visit to monitor the implementation of the order at various places in and around South Andaman. They inspected markets areas at Mohanpura, Ratnam Market, Junglighat, Bathubasti, Garacharma and Chouldhari. They also inspected Chouldhari PHC and Badmashpahad containment zone inquired about the patient conditions.

Port Blair, May 2: The Secretary (IP&T), Shri Sunil Kumar Singh briefing media on COVID-19 today said that 6 flights with 401 passengers arrived today and during the Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) conducted on these passengers, 7 were found positive. He said the precautionary steps taken by the Administration to prevent spread of Corona virus by imposition of certain restrictions is being implemented from today and will certainly help in bringing the situation under control. The purpose of imposing restriction is to control the movement of people and should be taken in the right spirit and help the Administration in fighting the dreaded virus. He further stated that about 217 doses of vaccine for above 45 years were administered today and a plan of action will be chalked out to identify the left out eligible beneficiaries who have not taken the vaccine despite repeated request by the Administration.