The President, Andaman Association of Tour Operators, M.Vinod has deeply mourned the sudden and untimely demise of Shahul Rasheed Ahmed, Pharmacist, Chatam Saw Mill, Residence of Garacharma who breathed his last at Chennai.

6 Air Passengers Found ‘Corona Positive’ Despite Carrying RTPCR Negative Report

Port Blair, April 16: As part of the Administration’s effort towards containing the COVID-19 cases in these Islands, Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) was done on all the passengers who alighted at Port Blair from different flights. The RAT conducted by the Administration is being done with the objective to double check whether the arriving passenger is a carrier of the virus so as to stop its further transmission, keeping in view the safety of other Islanders. This initiative of the Administration has yielded result as during the RAT conducted at Port Blair, 5 passengers were found Corona positive despite the fact that they were carrying RTPCR negative report with them, informed the Secretary IP&T, Shri Sunil Kumar Singh while addressing a press conference in the conference hall of the IP&T today. (At the time of press briefing, the number of passengers tested positive on arrival was 5 while, one more person was tested positive later taking the tally to 6).

RAT Made Mandatory for Incoming Passengers

Port Blair, April 16: The A&N Administration has taken many concrete steps to fight against COVID-19 pandemic in A&N Islands. To keep check on the increase in the number of cases, passengers/ tourists arriving from mainland to A&N Islands are being subject to mandatory Rapid Antigen Test on arrival at Port Blair itself so as to stop the chain of transmission. If in case any passenger is found positive, arrangements have been made to quarantine such passengers at Institutional Quarantine Centres set up by the Administration at different locations as per Standard Operating procedures in Govt. facilities or will have the option to stay in identified hotels on payment basis. Asymptomatic persons will be kept at institutional quarantine set up at Govt. institutions or in private institutions on payment basis.  The Administration has sufficient ventilator beds with oxygen to cater to patients requiring oxygen and needs to be intubated.  

Port Blair, April 16: The District Administration is conducting intensive field surveillance to identify the influenza-like illness (ILI) and severe acute respiratory infections (SARI), COVID-19 suspect cases under South Andaman District. ANMs, ASHA workers, Anganwadi workers and Education department officials are engaged for this. The assigned teams are visiting door to door every day and are enquiring the health status of the residents along with random thermal scanning.

Port Blair, April 16: In view of recent surge in the positive cases of COVID – 19 in this Island and to contain the further spread of virus to other Islands, this Directorate in consultation with A&N Administration has decided to curtail/ restrict the frequency of sailing schedules in the Foreshore Sector (Swaraj Dweep & Shaheed Dweep). 

The Directorate of Shipping Services has drawn a new schedule for Swaraj Dweep & Shaheed Dweep which will be effective from 19th April, 2021.                    

The newly drawn schedule is as follows:-