Sri Vijaya Puram, Jan. 21: In exercise of power conferred under M.V. Act 1988 (Act No.59 of 1988) read with Administration’s Notification No./2008/F.No.32-95/2008-TR. Dated 10th  March, 2008, the District Magistrate, South Andaman has notified for the information of all concerned that for resurfacing of road which is scheduled to start from 22.01.2025 to 30.01.2025 from 8 pm to 6 am on the half side of carriage way of the road from Teal House Junction to Chatham Police Station, the said roads will be closed w.e.f. 22.01.2025 to 30.01.2025 from 8 pm to 6 am.

Sri Vijaya Puram, Jan. 21: Hon'ble Justice Saugata Bhattacharyya and Hon'ble Justice Partha Sarathi Chatterjee, Judges of the Calcutta High Court shall be sitting/holding Circuit Court at Port Blair on and from 27-01-2025 to 10-02-2025 (both days inclusive).

Power supply will remain suspended at CIARI, Ayyanar Temple, Calicut, New Bimblitan, part of Teylerabad, Macca Pahad, Garacharma Sub Station, Japan Nallah, Austinabad, Prothrapur, Corbyn’s Cove, Brichgunj, Brookshabad & part of Chakkargaon, AKT Miniplex, Bird Line, Mahaveer Nagar, Kamaraj Nagar, Beodnabad, Rangachang, Burmanallah & Chidiyatapu on Jan.22, 2025 from 7.30 am to 12.30 pm due to the shifting of transformer for JICA work at Garacharma.

Sri Vijaya Puram, Jan. 21: Firing practice will be carried out at Chinthe Longe Range, Brichgunj on Jan. 22 from 9.30 am to 5 pm. All concerned have been warned to keep themselves and their vehicles/livestock away from the firing area during mentioned date and time.

Sri Vijaya Puram, Jan 20: Former Member of Parliament Kuldeep Rai Sharma, has written to the Chief Secretary of Andaman & Nicobar Administration, urging to provide battery-operated passenger vehicles (buggies) to assist patients in reaching the entrance of G B Pant Hospital from the ANIIMS bus stop and from the hospital to the bus stop in return.

This initiative aims to improve the accessibility of the hospital for vulnerable patients, including senior citizens, pregnant women, children, and those with physical disabilities.