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- Denis Giles
Port Blair, July 23: On the occasion of foundation day of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, the State President Shri. M. Veeranna alongwith the Unit members of Bhawan Nirman Mazdoor Sangh sector hoisted BMS flag at Shadipur Junction at 8.30 am. The unit committee of Forest Mazdoor Sangh in front of Chatham Saw mill, Chatham organised flag hoisting Chatham at 1030 am. Similarly, the unit committee of Marine Mazdoor Sangh organised flag hoisting ceremony at Marine junction and addressed the gathering in all locations.
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- Denis Giles
Port Blair, July 23: The vaccination drive is continuing smoothly in A&N Islands. As per data available, a total of 2, 72,312 beneficiaries have been vaccinated so far in A&N Islands, out of the target beneficiaries of 2, 81, 603 (approx.). A total of 4112 people were vaccinated today in A&N Islands. A total of 76,609 eligible people in the age group of 18 to 44 years have been vaccinated till date.
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- Denis Giles
Port Blair, July 23: The Indira Gandhi National Open University has provided the link for the change of the examination centre for Term End-Examination June, 2021 which will be commencing from 3rd August, 2021. The students who want to change their examination centre due to various reasons can directly click the following link https://exam.ignou.ac.in/EXAMCENTRECHANGE/EXAMCENTRECHANGEREQUEST.ASPX or visit IGNOU website: www.ignou.ac.in. The link will be available only up to 26th July 2021 at 10.00AM. For further queries students may contact the Regional Centre, Port Blair (Ph. No. 03192-242888/230111).
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- Denis Giles
Port Blair, July 23: The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Rural Livelihood Mission (ANIRLM) attached to Directorate of RD, PRIs and ULBs, Andaman and Nicobar Administration, Port Blair organized a “Orientation Programme on Sales, Marketing and Registration of Products through E- Marketing Platforms” made by the Self Help Groups (SHGs) formed under DAY-NRLM.
Read more: Orientation for SHG Members under ANIRLM on Various Marketing Activities
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- Denis Giles
Port Blair, July 22: Shri Jitendra Narain, IAS, Chief Secretary, A&N Islands during his recent visit to the North & Middle Andaman District had directed the Directorate of RD, PRIs and ULBs to provide broadband and FTTH to all Gram Panchayats of North and Middle Andaman District in order to provide free Wi-Fi hotspot facility to the students and general public within a time bound manner.