Port Blair, Oct. 12: The Karen Community of Mayabunder led by the Andaman Karen Youth Club (AKYC) is all set to revive their long forgotten sport ‘Sepak Takraw’. A grand event has been planned for 24th Oct. 2023 at Karmatang 10 Ground, Mayabunder.

Sepak Takraw, often called "kick volleyball," is a dynamic sport that combines elements of soccer and volleyball. Players use their feet, knees, head, and chest to propel a rattan ball over the net, showcasing incredible agility and acrobatics in a thrilling display of skill and teamwork. As of now this sport is played only in North East of mainland India.

Sepak Takraw, with roots dating back to 15th -century Southeast Asia, was a local pastime known by various names. In Myanmar, it's called "Chinlone Kyawk Pyay" or simply "Takraw." This sport embodies tradition, athleticism, and artistry, featuring acrobatics and skillful kicks. Let's celebrate its enduring heritage and ensure it inspires future generations.

The initiative to remind the Karen Community about their long forgotten sport was taken by LeatherBack Films, a film making company specialised in documentary film making.

LeatherBack has been working on a documentary in Mayabunder since past one year, to showcase the ethnography / anthropological on the Karen community of Andaman Islands. The documentary once ready, will be showcased in different national and international film festivals. The documentary is aimed at focussing on the 100 years of migration and the transition of the commune on these Islands.

Involving themselves with the commune had given an idea to LeatherBack to revive this dying sport and to promote this event so that it can survive for the future betterment of the commune as well as the Islands.

This event will also help the commune economically and also enhance anthropological tourism on the Islands.

Revival of the Sepak Takraw of the Karen Community, will also help a new sport to be a part of these Islands. It is also likely to open up gates for some players or team to feature in big leagues.

The people of the Karen commune are excited by this event. The 24th of October, 2023 being a public holiday, will be helpful for the youth and other people from the commune to provide their time and energy towards the sport.

On the same day audience can enjoy traditional cuisine prepared by the commune and also the display & sale of handicrafts by local artisans will be organized.