Port Blair, Dec. 13: A training programme on ‘Balanced ration and total mixed ration preparation for goats and pigs under Scheduled Tribe Component’ was organised by ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair, in collaboration with the Directorate of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, A&N Administration, at Harminder Bay village, Little Andaman from December 7 to 9, 2023.

Dr. P.A. Bala, Dr. Arun Kumar De, and Dr. P. Perumal, Senior Scientists from ICAR-CIARI and Dr. Parag Deori, Senior Veterinary Officer at Hut Bay were the resource persons. A total of 100 participants, mainly tribal youngsters from different parts of the village, attended the programme.

Shri Andrew Mosses, Captain and Shri Festus, Secretary of the Tribal Council graced the occasion. They encouraged the participants to interact with the Scientists and take maximum advantage of the programme.

Demonstrations on deworming, feeding of oral iron supplements, and mineral mixture supplements were also conducted. Inputs such as feed supplements, vitamin tonics, and mineral mixtures were distributed to the beneficiaries.