Port Blair, March 24: In view of the General Elections to Lok Sabha-2024, the Chief Electoral Officer has strengthened its Voter Helpline to make it easy for the Voters to get authentic information pertaining to their voter registration.  The range of services provided by the Helpline Number 1950 have been refurbished and made easily accessible. 

The number is 1950. Now, any citizen from any part of these Islands can call on the toll-free number with any query or complaint at any time of the day. Callers can enquire on subjects such as voter registration process, enrolled electors in the Electoral Roll can check the details of their personal information, Electors Photo Identification Card (EPIC), elections, voting dates, online registration, the Polling Station planned for them to visit on the Poll Day, to know the contact details of District Election Officers, Electoral Registration Officer, Assistant Electoral Registration Officer & Booth Level Officers and lodge a complaint by simply dialing the Toll-Free Number.

On the joyous occasion of 'Holi', I extend my heartiest greetings and warm wishes to all the residents of A&N Islands.

This festival of colours serves as a symbol of unity and affection, reminding us of the importance of brotherhood and mutual respect. It's a time to foster the bonds of love and solidarity within our community. As we celebrate, let's commit ourselves to uphold harmony and togetherness, reinforcing the harmonious fabric of our society.

Port Blair, March 24: In view of the forthcoming Parliamentary Election 2024, the general public have been once again informed that the Election Commission of India has prescribed special procedures in addition to the normal procedure for voting by Voters belonging to the Senior Citizen (85+ years), Physical Disabled (Benchmark Disability 40% and above), Covid affected/suspected and Essential Services categories, who cannot vote in person at their respective polling stations.

As we celebrate the vibrant festival of Holi, I extend my warmest greetings to each and every one of you in the beautiful Andaman & Nicobar Islands. May this auspicious occasion fill your lives with colours of joy, love and prosperity.

Holi is not just a festival of colours; it is a celebration of unity and togetherness. Let us come together as one community, transcending barriers of caste, creed, and religion, to spread happiness and harmony in our Islands.

Holi, the festival of colors the festival marks the beginning of spring and is being celebrated with friends and family, with people smearing each with colours.

On the auspicious occasion, Hindu Rashtra Shakti Andaman and Nicobar Islands would like to express the warm greetings and best wishes to all the peoples of A & N Islands for celebrating the Holi with peace and harmony.