One of my saddest moments at any concert was hearing a quartet of four men, singing, “It is well with my soul” It wasn’t the song that made me sad, nor the way rendered, it was the fact that one among them had lost his young daughter and was still there with his three friends proclaiming to the world, that even in grief, his soul was in tune with God.

There are times, when we want to sing, that it isn’t too well with our soul, when we feel we have drifted away from our creator.

"How is it with your soul?" In simple words; at the core of your being, what is going on? The question actually comes from the 18th Century Anglican priest and leader of the Methodist movement, John Wesley.

How is it with your soul?

What a beautiful question. It reminds us to check ourselves from time to time. Which leads to something I read: How do we keep our souls well?

Here are a few ways: 

Do you take time to feed your soul?

Human beings need nourishment beyond the physical. I'm told that some birds flap their wings some 50-80 times a second. They must eat constantly to work that hard. It takes tremendous energy simply to live. We, too, must feed our minds and spirits as well as our bodies if we intend to be fully healthy. It may include prayer or meditation or the practice of other spiritual disciplines. Or, taking classes and reading uplifting books. It could be contacting an old friend. Without constant nourishment, our bodies, minds, spirits and even our relationships will grow weak and listless.

Do you rest your soul?

In our multi-tasking lives, sometimes the best thing we can do is to do nothing. I occasionally like nothing better than sitting quietly, listening to soft music and letting my soul be at peace. Charles Darwin said, "If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once a week." How do you rest your soul?

Do you cheer your soul?

One of the greatest gifts you’ve got is a gift of laughter. It is a gift we can never use enough. My own experience when I feel down, disheartened and discouraged, is not because of too much suffering; but too little joy. Where I find joy, I find life.

But where does that laughter come from? I believe that it comes from your heart, from inside you. And I believe that when God lives in your heart, peace, joy and love, reside in you and all is well with your soul!

How is it with your soul?

Listen carefully, your soul may have something to tell you, that someone is missing within!

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