By Yogi Ashwini


Anger, as we discussed in the last article, destroys the body by exhausting the vital prana and fluids. In the last article, we had touched upon some ayurvedic recipes to calm one down. Let us now practice some yogic movements from Sanatan Kriya to bring down that temper.


Whenever you are angry, just sit with your legs crossed and take deep breaths.


1.       Place your hands near your chest with the palms facing outward and with one deep exhalation, push the air in front with your palms, using the force of shoulders.  Let the movement be short, do not stretch out your arms completely. Repeat this 7 times.


2.      Next, raise your arms and bring them down rapidly as if you are pulling a rope. Exhale heavily as you clench your hands and bring them down.


3.      Now, bring your hands together in front of your chest and spread them out laterally to push sideways while exhaling heavily.


As you perform these movements, imagine you are doing it to him who got you angry. Within a few minutes, your anger will disappear and you will be calm as a sea.


Say you are so angry that you want to hit or push back somebody, by practicing these movements you will be able to vent out your anger in the etheric realm without hurting the person. The movements will bring down your anger, but will shoot up your pulse. Therefore it is imperative to balance them out with a Cooling Pranayam.


Cooling Pranayam


For this, sit with your legs crossed and spine straight. Gently roll your tongue like a straw and push it out of your mouth and breathe in through your tongue. Bring the tongue back in and exhale slowly. This is a cooling pranayam that helps you relax. It regulates the body temperature by cooling the air going through your tongue.


The cool air has a direct effect on the thymus region which controls your immunity and blood mechanisms. The cool air dries up your throat and therefore we perform the Ujjai pranayam to lubricate the throat.


For this, hold your throat with the tips of your fingers as if constricting the throat, till the glottis is partially closed. While breathing normally, make a soft hissing sound as the air passes your throat region. The sound should have a low and uniform pitch. Continue to breathe this way until your breath is normal and relaxed. If you check your pulse after a little while, you will see that your pulse rate has gone down drastically.


The bindu visarg is a nectar which drops from the crown region and is normally consumed at the level of Manipoorak chakra to power routine activities. By constricting the throat, this nectar is held in the throat and it nourishes and replenishes the region.


It is advisable to visit a Dhyan Foundation center near you to learn and practice these asans and pranayams.

Yogi Ashwini is the Guiding Light of Dhyan Foundation and an authority on the Vedic Sciences. His book, 'Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension' is an acclaimed thesis on anti-ageing. Log onto to for more


Most armies, police forces and governments throughout the world are studying with great interest how the Indian army tied a protestor to the bonnet of an army jeep, then drove through a crowd of stone pelters, secure in the knowledge that nobody would pelt a stone at the army jeep!

“Revolutionary!” said former president George Bush as he sat fishing at a stream near his ranch, “This is what we should have done when we invaded Iraq, we should have tied Saddam to the front of a tank and captured all the cities!”

“Brilliant idea!” said the present president of the US, “Maybe we can pick one fellow from all the countries I have banned and tie them to all the buildings across our country, so no terrorist plane will crash into them!”

“You can start with Trump Towers!” said his wife.

“Of course dear, we’ll have ten of them strung up on all the buildings that have my name. Imagine that would be the biggest safety measure we could provide, and would certainly help sell all our buildings! Give me the number of the Indian general, I need to talk to him and invite him here as a consultant!”

In North Korea, the young dictator scratched his head thoughtfully, “We could also make a human shield!” he said, “Have staves and poles put up around the palace grounds and on the roof of my palace!”

“What do we do after that sir?” asked his general, puzzled.

“Tie hundreds of men and women on them, so the whole area where my family and I live, becomes covered with a huge shield, and America won’t pelt any missiles at us, for fear of hitting innocent citizens!”

“Ho! Ho! Ho! That’s brilliant sir!”

“Yes, but call the Indians, ask what knot they used, so our people won’t untie their ropes!”

“Yes sir, we’ll try and get their army major on the line!”

In the mountains of Afghanistan and elsewhere where terrorists hide there was the sound of raucous laughter and the scraping of machine guns, “What an ingenious plan!” said the chief terrorist. “Next time we send a missile to shoot a plane in the air, we will paint a man sitting on the pointed edge, so the anti- missile guns won’t shoot it down!”

There was the sound of machine guns banging each other and again the same raucous laughter as the roughly clothed men rejoiced at their leader’s brilliance. They all looked in the direction of the country from where the idea had originated and gave a 21 gun missile salute in thunderous respect.

Somewhere in the skies a plane fell out of the air.

“Sir!” said the PA to the bearded leader of the country where the idea had come from, “We are truly leading the world with our ‘Make in India’ ideas..!”

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It was early one morning the people of New York, some of them anyway heard that the Statue of Liberty had been speaking to someone down below, the previous night. A drunk, who had made his home on the same island, told people next day, it was Trump, the lovely Liberty had been speaking to.

“She was giggling,” said the tramp, though nobody believed him, “She said, I told you so, I told you so, and Trump, he just put his head down and moaned and groaned!”

“Trump, would do no such thing!” said some furious Republicans. “Why would he moan and groan?”

“He said them mattresses in the Lincoln bedroom were pretty hard,” said the drunk tramp, “and the Statue of Liberty, she giggled even more!”

“But why would the President of the United States want to have a conversation with a statue?” asked the same Republicans with disdain, “You are lying for cheap publicity, aren’t you?”

“No I’m not,” said the tramp with a distinct foul smelling hangover, “I heard him tell Liberty, that the job was so tough, he wanted to ask Liberty for an exchange!”

“What exchange?” asked all the Republicans and other people anxiously.

“That Liberty could occupy the White House, while he would spend the rest of his years on the pedestal she’s standing on!”

This time the Republicans looked at each other with dismay, “That’s not exactly a very nice offer” they said, “It’s okay having him kept in yonder White House, where only kings and dictators see him, but right here, where the world comes by?”

They shook their heads, “It’s not like we would want to show him off to the world!” they pondered thoughtfully.“And maybe he’s the one mistake we all made, in electing him, “said another, “And the way he’s going about hugging Russia, he might lose his job soon!”

“That’s exactly what he said,” said the drunk tramp, “he said, that since the job would soon not be his, he wanted a permanent place to hang around for his country, and this pedestal looked mighty fine!”

Finally, one of the passerby’s took the drunk by the collar, and asked him sternly, “So what was Liberty’s answer?” and there was silence as everybody waited breathlessly for the tramp to reply. Some even looked at where the statue stood and shivered as they imagined Trump in Liberty’s place.

“She giggled!” said the drunk tramp finally, “and giggled, and then said, she preferred standing in her place and welcoming people to America, then sitting in the White House, building walls and laws to turn them away!”

There was a sigh of relief as everybody heard what the Statue had said. “Trumps may come and Trumps may go!” said the same passerby, who had held the tramps collar, “But Liberty is what America is all about..!”

Though nobody really believed the drunk tramp’s fairy tale.

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By Yogi Ashwini

Our physical body is only one-fifth of us, there are four more layers to us. And it is these layers that control what happens in the physical body composed of elements. The science of yog and Sanatan Kriya taps into the power of a being in totality, touching upon all the layers.

For the purpose of this article, we will discuss the layer next to the physical body, the Pranmaya kosha, which is often called as the aura. This layer consists of millions of chakras and nadis which regulate and channelise the flow of prana in the body and in turn are responsible of proper functioning of various organs of the body.

In the previous article, we started to discuss the problem of kidney stones. In the realm of energy or prana, kidneys are controlled by the Swadishthan and Mool chakra. Detailed below are certain asanas which work to rectify imbalances in the two chakras and are helpful in eliminating kidney stones. It is recommended that you visit your nearest Dhyan Foundation center to learn the correct way to practice these asans. An asan is not merely physical exercise but it affects the different etheric layers of the body which ultimately leads to a higher state of consciousness.

Ustrasana : Get down on your knees keeping the spine and neck straight. Start leaning backwards, gently arching your spine until your palms touch your heels. Hold for some time. Exhale as you return to the kneeling position. Repeat this seven times.

While doing this you have to be careful that your breath count does not go up because Ustrasana increases the Praan vaayu in the body and can have an effect on the heart also.

Situps in Vajrasana: While being on your knees, spread out to increase the distance between the knees slightly. Next, gently lower your buttocks until they rest over your heels while keeping your spine straight. Inhale as your rise back up. You don’t come up completely but hold till your thighs are at an angle or around 60 degrees. Breathe normally and maintain this position for as long as you can comfortably.

The asan must not be performed by people with knee as it requires the knees to take the entire weight of the body. Also, people with heart conditions should avoid this asan as it pushes the

Praan vayu upwards and may disturb the Samaan vayu in case of a weakness, leading to breathlessness.

Repeat this 7 times. Inhale while coming up and exhale while going down.

Naukasana: Lie down in Shavasana and relax. Inhale while simultaneously raising your legs and your head above the ground. Bring the arms out straight in line with the shoulders, with your fingers pointing forward. Exhale as you slowly get back to the initial position. Repeat the posture with your hands pointing backwards now to complete a cycle. Repeat this cycle 7 times. Make sure your breath rate and pulse do not shoot up.

In both the postures, your body is in the shape of a boat.

The above three asans have to be done in conjunction with each other. It is imperative that along with asans and ayurvedic remedies, balancing kriyas like Sanatan Kriya and a balanced lifestyle is adopted to reduced hyperactivity. Hyper emotions and excessive physical workouts increase the metabolic rate of the cell and dry up the fluidity of the body, as a result the body ages and deteriorates very fast.

Yogi Ashwini is the Guiding Light of Dhyan Foundation and an authority on the Vedic Sciences. His book, 'Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension' is an acclaimed thesis on anti-ageing. Log onto to for more

By Yogi Ashwini

There are two bean shaped organs in the body, one to the left and the other to the right in the pelvic region, and their function is filtration of the fluids of the body. The residue after filtration is then expelled from the body as urine. I am referring to the kidneys. Kidneys assume greater significance in our lives, given that our body is 60-70% water. And this water needs to be regulated constantly.

The kidneys are so fine an organ that they remove all the solids from the water. Certain solids which are heavy and cannot be expelled completely, get calcified. This leads to kidney stones. When the kidney stones grow in size, they block the top of the kidney or are pushed into the urethra thereby blocking it. Early symptoms are pain. And this pain need not be limited to the lower back area, and may even be experienced in the lower chest area.  This is because when the kidneys gasp for prana, they can put pressure on any nerve in the body. Another symptom is weight gain. When kidneys are not functioning normally, the body starts to store water and that water adds on to your weight. This at times results in swelling on the face, hands or legs. This swelling is a direct consequence of water retention in the body.

How does one maintain the health of the kidneys? How does one ensure the balance of fluids in the body?  Now how do you rid yourself of this water retention?

Ayurveda says that the problem is faulty expulsion. To expel something from the body, a pungent input is required. A pungent substance is suited for people of vata and kapha prakriti, but if you have a pitta constituency, it may create problems. Therefore it is important to not go for off-the-shelf remedies and get yourself evaluated for your constitution. You may consult an ayurvedic doctor or look up the Dhyan Foundation website where a chart is given with symptoms.

An easy ayurvedic remedy for stimulating expulsion is garlic. Take two cloves of garlic, crush them and have them with hot water on an empty stomach in the morning on a regular basis. People with pitta prakriti should however avoid garlic and try to solve the problem through yoga.

In the next article we will discuss some yogic asans for removing kidney stones.

Yogi Ashwini is the Guiding Light of Dhyan Foundation and an authority on the Vedic Sciences. His book, 'Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension' is an acclaimed thesis on anti-ageing. Log onto to for more