“A man's rootage is more important than his leafage." President Woodrow Wilson.

What people see are your leaves, the outside, your looks, your personality, your social skills, but what they can't see are your roots; values and principles that ground you.    

A happy and fulfilled life grows from a good system of roots.

- Shahnaz Husain

Rice water has been used in Asian beauty rituals for centuries to achieve glowing and smooth skin.Using rice water for skin is a natural home remedy  in treating and preventing acne, removing acne scars, and getting rid of hyperpigmentation.

Rice water  contains amino acids, vitamins B and E , and minerals which promotes cell growth, stimulates blood flow and keeps the skin smooth, youthful and bright  in chilly weather conditions .

Twas a bullet that tore into the heart of the man, who spoke non-violence to the world!

It was same dastardly bullet that revealed, even as we Indians got freedom through his non-violent movement, that there were people in the country who wanted to remain shackled in violence!

Wherever she is right now, Mother Teresa, or St Teresa as she is now, must be looking down, not at the celebrations in Rome or Kolkata, but with sadness at the dying, the destitute, the poor and sick all over the world. She must be wishing she could still reach down and touch broken people and make them whole again.

I don’t think a supernatural miracle is needed to make one a saint. I think the miracle is the joy a broken person experiences when someone reaches out and physically touches them.

                ‘...When we share—that is poetry in the prose of life.....’

                                                                                        Sigmund Freud

Something terribly disgusting in our country is the glamour our political leaders portray through their ostentatious cars and homes they live in. The money they lavish on themselves so blatantly could easily feed a hundred families for a year or even more. And yet with no guilt or conscience they display their wealth to the world at large.