As Harnaz Sandhu, with self-assurance and assertiveness, strong voice and spirited speech swept the Miss Universe title, she threw a message, not a bouquet of flowers to a waiting, receptive audience, but a boulder into the midst of the startled men of India!

Ever so often, a common picture opportunity is when a political leader drops into the house of some poor person and has a meal with him or her. As the Prime Minister launched the Kashi Vishvanath Corridor Project, he supped with construction workers and I wonder whether he asked the same question I asked when I used to sup with my workers, “How do they manage to eat such spicy food!” Or, “my God the food is hot, my tongue is on fire!”

A General lies dead!

Was it an act of war? Sabotage? Pilot error? Mechanical failure?

He was not killed on a battlefield leading his men, not from an act of vengeance for some previous act to save the country, but dead, traveling on his own warhorse, piloted by his own forces and brought down in a time of peace, in an area of no insurgency!

A few years ago my daughter sent me a photo, where she is sitting on a cycle in Central Park, New York. Under the photo, she has written, ‘thank you for teaching me cycling daddy!’ It was while looking at her picture that I came across this lovely article on cycling:

Was walking along the aisle of one of the most magnificent cathedrals in the world, looking with wonder at it’s lofty columns, how they arched into holding the spectacular roof, way, way above my head when I saw the board inside: “Are you a Cathedral Builder?”