There’s a war going on and it’s time we became aware of it, or we’ll soon be destroyed. And it’s not the battle twixt the virus and the vaccine, which even though deadly, still isn’t laying low it’s foes, as the one going on between the latest knowledge and a stagnant mind.

The mechanic who’d come over to repair my broken fender, stood in front of my car, “Sir!” he said happily, “as soon as I got sahib's phone call, I took my spanners, pliers, hammer and screwdriver…”

 “And jack!” I reminded him.

’Twas a few years ago, a sense of sadness crept over me, and I wrote this piece:

 ‘She leaves tomorrow, my little one, back to the US to complete her studies. This morning I peeped into her bedroom, and the mirror opposite reflected her face, innocent in sleep, a face I had seen from babyhood, watched taking her first tentative steps, watched entering the portals of learning, even watched boys looking at her more appreciatively than I was happy with!   

’Twas a few years ago, a sense of sadness crept over me, and I wrote this piece:

 ‘She leaves tomorrow, my little one, back to the US to complete her studies. This morning I peeped into her bedroom, and the mirror opposite reflected her face, innocent in sleep, a face I had seen from babyhood, watched taking her first tentative steps, watched entering the portals of learning, even watched boys looking at her more appreciatively than I was happy with!   

’Tis not often Liberty Island ferrymen and those that ply the Ellis island ferry around New York show agitation. “She was crying,” said a ferryman to his wife that night, “I swear I saw them tears roll down the Statue of Liberty’s cheeks!”

 “Oh, the poor thing!” cried his wife.