This happened many years ago.

The old lady sat in the room sobbing.

The old man, her husband, a retired army major, stared straight ahead.

They had just lost their son in a motor- bike accident.

I sat holding her hand, there was nothing I could say; the grief was intense, unbearable.

On one hand we have Donald Trump, from the White House walking to a church clutching a Bible in his outstretched hand for all to see, then we see the same man accused of the most perverted sexual assaults. And yet to the Bible belt Christians in America and even in other parts of the world this man should be voted back in like a messiah! And could be too!

Have we become blind to hypocrisy or has hypocrisy become an accepted norm? This is not just about Trump but other leaders across the world. Leaders who’ve realised the best way to win the hearts of the electorate is to make themselves religious icons and edifices in the eyes of the people.

This may never happen but a part of my imagination hopes that one day I will be hospitalised for this, so here goes:

“There’s something wrong!” I shout as I pick up my newspapers from the gate, as I do every morning.

“What’s wrong?” asks the wife.

“I have been cheated, swindled, a fraud has taken place!”

Each state in our country is trying to force a division among the people by insisting on the local language taking prominence. Shop boards have to be displayed in regional languages, and now school studies too. As this happens a nation is getting divided and as English is pushed back, our nation will soon get isolated and lose the great advantage we have now.

The story is told of the most famous elephant in the world -- a huge, beautiful and gentle beast named Bozo. Children extended open palms filled with peanuts for the Indian elephant; who gently plucked them from little hands and seemed to smile as he ate his treats.

Friendships made in childhood are invaluable, but quite often I come across old acquaintances who’ve done well in life, not interested in meeting childhood friends who life has dealt with less favourably.

An uncle of mine told me an incident of how when he was a high-ranking officer, he had a childhood friend who was just a truck driver. One day he took his friend, the truck driver, to another officer’s place for a game of Bridge. As they sat down he noticed that the other man seemed distracted, “Anything wrong?” asked my uncle.