Port Blair, Feb. 28: The Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association has demanded to restore the concessional room tariff for government employees on leave in the Guest Houses in Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Andaman Bhavans in New Delhi, Kolkatta and Chennai.
In a letter sent to the Chief Secretary, Andaman and Nicobar Administration, Shri D. Ayyappan, General Secretary of the Association stated that till the last revision of room tariff, government servants on leave were given concessional tariff in the Andaman Bhavans on the mainland and other Guest Houses in the islands, but this concession was taken away while revising the tariff during July, 2011. As a result government officials who are on leave and staying in the Guest Houses are compelled to pay room tariff applicable to other islanders.
In the Andaman Bhavans at Kolkatta, Chennai and New Delhi, the government employees on leave are to pay Rs. 1000 per day. In this way, government officials have been made at par with the general public, he said. Earlier, half of the amount of the tariff prescribed for islanders was the tariff for government employees on leave. Ayyappan informed the Chief Secretary that there is no justification for taking away the above benefit enjoyed by the government employees for several years.
He further further stated that vide orders No. 34 and No. 35 both dated 11th January, 2013 of the Director (IP&T), A & N Administration, room tariff of Andaman Bhavans at New Delhi, Kolkatta and Chennai and guest houses located in these islands respectively were increased considerably. As per the above orders, revised tariff for government employees on duty in the Andaman Bhavans at New Delhi, Kolkatta and Chennai is Rs. 500 (AC rooms) while it is Rs. 200 (AC rooms) in the Guest Houses located in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
He also brought it to the notice of the CS that only those officials whose Grade Pay is Rs. 4200 and above are eligible to get Rs. 500 per day as room rent while on duty. Employees whose Grade Pay is below Rs. 4200 are entitled to get the room rent @ Rs. 300 per day. The low-paid employees when deputed on duty to mainland are forced to bear the remaining Rs. 200 per day from their pockets for staying at Andaman Bhavans in New Delhi, Kolkatta and Chennai.
The Association had earlier raised this matter before the then Chief Secretary, A & N Administration and had requested him to reduce the room tariff, but neither any action was taken on the request of the Association nor the Association was informed of the reason for not accepting the demand.
The Association has again requested the Chief Secretary to review the above orders and fix a reduced room tariff of Rs. 300 for the government employees on duty in the Andaman Bhavans at New Delhi, Kolkatta and Chennai considering the fact that a number of government employees whose Grade Pay is less than Rs. 4200 are visiting the said places.