There was a tapping on my window. It was midnight, and cold in the New York apartment where I was living. “Who’s that?” I asked petrified. You don’t get a tapping when you are so many floors up. I gently pushed the glass pane up, and saw a huge hand, “Liberty!” I exclaimed, “What are you doing outside my window?”

 “You’re Indian aren’t you?” asked the gigantic figure of the Statue of Liberty, leaning outside and dwarfing my building.

 “Yes!” I said.

Why is everyone complaining about potholes during the monsoons? Potholes are good and we need to appreciate the government for allowing us to keep them for such long periods of time. Come with me to a dinner party; what do you think everybody’s talking about? Potholes ofcourse. There was a time when people didn’t know what to say to each other once they were introduced, now it’s different: “I just encountered twopot holes on the way here.”

The trolls of today are like worms from the woodwork! They roam the face of websites, whatsapp groups and have a huge online presence!

In the good ole days, when one read or heard fairytales on one’s mother’s lap, the troll was a dwarf in Scandinavian folklore who dwelt in the hills, small, tiny fellows, who were afraid of the outside world, hid themselves from the public eye, but were mean, nasty and vicious, in the way they carried out little cowardly attacks on people at large, not directly, but behind their backs.

 “Root canal job, and looks serious!” said the dentist as he peered into my mouth

 “Is it going to be expensive?” I asked.

 “This could take a few visits,” said the doctor as I saw my bank balance sliding purposefully into his lab coat pocket. “Shall we start today?” he asked and I nodded as he smiled to himself.

Very often we lead double lives, one for people to see and another we think is known only to ourselves. We are the most pious in church or temple, but cheat in business or office or school, and think people don’t know what hypocrites we are. But we may be sadly mistaken!

There lived many years ago a poor family, comprising a woodcutter, his wife and three pretty daughters. The woodcutter would go out in the morning to the forest and work through the day returning in the evening with his measly earnings which was just about enough to feed his family.