Tenders invited by APWD shall be open for all contractors irrespective of their enlistment in APWD or any other Govt. Department
Port Blair, June 22: At present, in Andaman Public Works Department (APWD), the construction works of various magnitudes are invited through open bidding system among enlisted contractors of APWD/ other departments of appropriate class from I to V. In order to promote competition and open avenue for participation of all contractors in the tenders invited by APWD, the Andaman and Nicobar Administration has decided that henceforth, the tenders invited by the APWD shall be open for all contractors irrespective of their enlistment in APWD or any other Govt. Department subject to the condition that they have experience on executing the relevant magnitude of work as per CPWD Works Manual and with other GOI organisations in these Islands and do not have any adverse remarks.
This reform measure by the Administration will dispense with the cumbersome process of getting compulsory enlistment by the contractors, revalidation/extension of validity of such enlistments etc and also simplifies the participation in tenders by contractors without any requirement of enlistment.
The circular in this effect has been issued vide letter No.63 (10)/2011-12/CE/APWD/FIN/2637 dt. 22.06.2020 which supersedes all orders issued with respect to revalidation/ extension of revalidation/ up-gradation/ new enlistment/ tender participation till date and is effective from the date of its issue.