A&N Police Announces Results of Online Drawing/Painting Competition
Port Blair, July 12: To mark the occasion of “International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking” on 26th June, 2020 an online drawing/painting competition with this year theme (Campaign against Drugs) was organised by A&N Police. A total of 76 students (Boys & Girls) in Inter-School category and 19 students (Boys & Girls) in Open Category participated and shared their paintings through e-mail/Whatsapp. Based on the parameter of aesthetics, innovation and craftsmanship of the Online Drawing/Painting competition, six overall winners (3 Male & 3 Female) in Inter school & 03 in open category alongwith 20 consolation prizes for innovative ideas have been declared by the Committee consisting of Ms. Sandhya Swamy, IPS, (SP/Communication), Dr. K. Venkatesan, HOD/Home Science, JNRM, Port Blair and Sh. Jagdev Singh Yadav, DANIPS, Dy.SP/CID. The details of winners are as under:
Inter School Boys
- S V Kalash Carmel Ist
- B KameshRao Model IInd
- Muyu T V Vadeo St Mary IIIrd
Inter School Girls
- AlkaKishen VKV Ist
- ShreyaLall St Mary IInd
- RishitaKhatua Model IIIrd
Consolation Prizes for innovative ideas
- V Arnold Carmel Consolation
- K YuvaPriya Carmel Consolation
- ShreyaPandey Carmel Consolation
- Priyanshudas Carmel Consolation
- B Ragulnath St Mary Consolation
- Joshna St Mary Consolation
- Y Mohita St Mary Consolation
- MAkshayaKomagal Kamaraj School Consolation
- M. Sheeba KamarajSchool Consolation
- Soumika Mondal Kamaraj School Consolation
- I.P. Krishna Kamaraj School Consolation
- Shreya Halder KV-II Consolation
- Jenifa Shama Bara GSSS School Line Consolation
- K Sushmitha GSSS School Line Consolation
- Madhunita GSSS School Line Consolation
- Mahek GSSS School Line Consolation
- Prasnjeet Sarkar GSSS School Line Consolation
- Sourabh Kumar Model School Consolation
- AkhanyaSujith Girls School Consolation
- M DeekshaRao VKV Consolation
Open Category
- B ShakeebaBanu MES Ist
- ArpitaBiswas MGIS IInd
- T Devash Sagritara IIIrd