A Coordination Committee is the Need of the Hour among others: Kuldeep
Port Blair, Aug 5: The Member of Parliament, Shri Kuldeep Rai Sharma has taken up important issues in view of rapid increase in COVID-19 in the A & N Islands with Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor of A & N Islands. In a letter to the Lt. Governor, the MP said:
It is learned that many COVID-19 positive cases are kept in Home Quarantine for treatment, which need to the immediately stopped. May be they are in isolation in the home but using the same toilet, there is always risk of other family members becoming infected. This will further increase the number of COVID-19 positive cases in the islands.
Hence, the COVID-19 positive patients whether symptomatic or asymptomatic should be kept in isolation and treatment to be done in the Government Hospital having adequate facilities such as Oxygen and Ventilators.
The MP also demanded immediate action to ensure sufficient stock of filled Oxygen cylinders to combat any eventuality.
He said that due to shortage of Ambulance, there is delay in transporting COVID-19 patients to the hospital for immediate medical care. Hence the MP proposed to hire private vehicles which can be used as Ambulance for immediate transportation of COVID-19 patients from home to all PHCs, CHCs and G.B Pant Hospital.
The Member of Parliament also proposed that instead of developing COVID-19 treatment facilities at various discrete locations, a big COVID-19 treatment and isolation facility should be made at one place, capable of handling at least 1000 COVID-19 patients. To pool up the resources required for the proposed COVID-19 centre, the assistance of Central Government may be taken immediately. As the cases of COVID-19 positive are being detected in the Inter-Island region also, there is an absolute need to have separate COVID-19 isolation and treatment developed at PHCs, CHCs and District Hospitals in other parts of island.
Few COVID-19 positives cases have been detected from various wards of the G.B Pant Hospital such as labour ward, orthopedic ward etc. This has created panic and insecurity amongst the paramedical staffs such as nurses, ayahs, sweepers etc. of becoming COVID-19 positives. The MP thus proposed that all the paramedical staffs of various wards may be given PPE kit for safety against COVID-19 infection.
As the cases of COVID-19 positive patients are increasing sharply with every passing day, isolation facility having beds, bathrooms and toilets for 1000 asymptomatic patients need to be developed immediately. Responsive and responsible Call Centre needs to be established for attending problems of COVID-19 positive patients and their relative’s problem.
Separate Call Centre to address problems of general public arising out of COVID-19 scenario also to be established.
He also suggested that more tests to be conducted on clusters using Rapid Test Kits (RT-PCR), to analyse the trend and pattern of spread. Rapid Test Kits to be extensively used for detection of COVID-19 cases.
Door Delivery of Ayush Medicines for the prevention from COVID-19 and for increasing immunity to be done as people are afraid and hesitant to go out.
The MP further said that most of the frontline COVID-19 warriors are getting infected by COVID-19. The Administration may call for volunteers from the General Public who are interested to take up the responsibility. Such volunteers may help the public on ground in maintaining social distancing at public places etc.
Lastly the Member of Parliament suggested for a Coordination Committee to be constituted by involving all stake holders such as elected representatives viz. PRIs, Municipal Councilors, all political parties, media, association for proper monitoring of COVID-19 situation at the ground and to create awareness and vigil amongst the people.