Covid Care Cenrres with 195 Beds Identified in All Three Sub Divisions
Port Blair, Aug 23: The Nicobar District has taken adequate precautions in order to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. From June 15th, all passengers arriving by ship and helicopter were quarantined in their respective homes for 14 days. Further, passive and active surveillance (door to door) was initiated in order to find those persons having Influenza-like Illness (ILI) or Severe Acute Respiratory Illness (SARI) symptoms and such persons were placed under home quarantine. Such persons are also given a kit containing paracetamol, azithromycin, Vitamin-C and ayurvedic medicine and regular review is done for such cases.
COVID Care Centres have been identified in all three sub-divisions. A total of 195 beds have been identified for COVID-19 patients, if needed. Further, regular stock-appraisal of PPE kits, oxygen cylinders, masks, sanitizers etc. is being conducted. Teams had been formed and training imparted to teams for containment operations, contact tracing, monitoring and welfare of those placed under quarantine etc. long before the first case was found in the District.
Apart from the above, from 30th July onwards, all passenger ships and regular helicopter services have been suspended in order to prevent spread of the virus in Nicobar District. From 2nd August, all shops except those providing essential goods/ services were directed to be closed. A weekend lockdown was also imposed in order to contain the spread. Further, from 11th August, a lockdown has been put in place to prevent further spread of infection and home delivery of essentials is taking place including FPS ration.
In Campbell Bay, FPS shops are opened from 8 am to 12 pm with strict social distancing. Distribution of old-age pension is being provided at the door step of the beneficiaries.
In addition to this, the District Administration has directed that crew from cargo ships shall not leave the ship without permission of respective Assistant Commissioners, in order to ensure that they do not spread infection. All the National Directives are being implemented strictly. Penalties have been specified by the District Administration for violations of National Directive and other directives issued. Considering the vulnerability of Shompen, which is a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG), special instructions have been issued, to ensure their safety including specification of protocol for AAJVS staff, direction to general public not to interact with Shompen etc. ANIIDCO shop has been shut down in order to prevent inebriation in the public. All the above direction are being strictly enforced by Police and Revenue Departments and violators are promptly being penalized.
Further, Containment Zones have been setup as and when cases emerge in order to prevent further spread of infection. Doctors have also been trained for management of waste from COVID- 19 positive patients. Regular phone calls are made to those placed under quarantine and in containment zones in order to assess their requirement of essentials and to address their grievances.
Details of essential service providers are pasted on the residences of all those placed under quarantine for their convenience.
As on date, any person intending to visit Nicobar District has to compulsorily undergo COVID-19 test before he/ she is allowed to visit the District.