There will be only one show daily between 06 PM to 07 PM. (Hindi shows on all days except Wednesday. On Wednesday there will be English show).
The show will be operated at 50% of the total seating capacity, following social distancing.
The tourists/visitors shall follow strict social distancing norms. Seating arrangements to be made accordingly.
Any additional guidelines regarding boat travel issued by DC (SA) / A&N Administration to be followed.
Use of face mask will be mandatory for all the people visiting the show.
Tourists/visitors will have to undergo mandatory hand hygiene and thermal screening at the entry point. Only asymptomatic staff and guests shall be allowed.
Tourists/visitors to strictly adhere to the time limits.
Group photography will not be allowed during the show.
Spitting and smoking are strictly prohibited during the show.
Tourist / Visitors should avoid overcrowding in the washroom area.
Respiratory etiquettes to be strictly followed. This involves strict practice of covering one's mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/ handkerchief/ flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly after use.