With immense belief Humane Touch urge our fellow brothers and sisters to come forward to help a needy. Hema Shree, a baby of just 04 months old is suffering from Abnormal Growth for the past few months. She is admitted at Kanchi Kamakoti Child's Trust Hospital.

The family has spent all their savings for her treatment and now they need nearly 15 Lakh rupees for her operation within a month.

Humane Touch very generously request our fellow brothers and sisters to come forward and help this little baby. 

*The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.*

You can transfer or deposit your contribution to below given account.

T Saravana

Contact No-9933231306

A/C No-960236400

Indian Bank

Branch- Port Blair

IFSC Code- IDIB000P117