New Delhi, Dec. 16: The School of Military Affairs, Strategy and Logistics (SMASL) of Rashtriya Raksha University, Gandhinagar has organized a commemoration event titled, “Vijay Diwas 2020: Dawn of the Golden Jubilee Year”, on the 16 December 2020.

India as a nation commemorates Vijay Diwas each year in memory of soldiers, sailors, air warriors and civilians of the Indian Armed forces and Mukti Jodhas of Bangladesh in 1971, who took part in the Indo Pak war leading to the establishment of independent Bangladesh.

In his Welcome Address, Lt Gen (Dr) Subrata Saha, Former Deputy Chief of Army Staff, Director SMASL and Member, National Security Advisory Board of India introduced the participants to the history of the 1971 Indo Pak war and spoke about the immense importance of the war in today’s fast changing world. Chief of Defence Staff of India, Gen Bipin Rawat’s through a virtual message spoke about India’s military relationship with Bangladesh and thanked SMASL for conducting such a commemoration event.

Highlighting the importance of ties with Bangladesh, Prof (Dr) Bimal N Patel, Vice Chancellor, Rashtriya Raksha University and Member, National Security Advisory Board of India noted that India’s neighbourhood policy follows the Prime Minister’s vision of ‘Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas’. He observed that the Government of India accords top priority to its relations with Bangladesh. “For us it is neighbourhood first and in the neighbourhood it is Bangladesh first. I hope that both our nations can work together to bring a ‘Sonali Adhyay’ in the field of security cooperation. Rashtriya Raksha University as the premier National Security University of India strives to contribute to India’s vision of a Peaceful, Prosperous and Stable World Order based on Rule of Law. We hope that we can work together with the stakeholders of Bangladesh to strive for peace and prosperity”, Prof Bimal stated. 

Addressing the gathering on the occasion, Lt Col Sajjad (Veteran) spoke on the role of Muktijoddhas as force multipliers during the Liberation war. “The Muktijoddhas continue to be a vital link between our two great nations, bound by our shared history and further cemented by the ties of blood, shed together as they fought shoulder to shoulder against the oppressors in 1971”, he noted. He praised the valiant efforts of both the Indian soldiers and citizens who fought alongside the Muktijoddhas to liberate Bangladesh.

Esteemed Veterans from both India and Bangladesh who fought during the Indo Pak war spoke on this occasion. Commodore Abdul Wahed Chaudhary from Bangladesh Navy, Air Marshal VK Bhatia from the Indian Air Force, Rear Admiral K Mohanan from the Indian Navy and Brigadier BK Ponwar from the Indian Army enthralled the audience with tales of valor, sacrifice and saga.

Serving and retired Armed Forces officers, scholars and students of Defense and Strategic studies attended this event virtually.